Tuesday, July 29, 2008

It Wasn't As Easy As I Thought It Would Be To Find A Computer

So yeah instead of writing in my blog while I was gone, i wrote in my journal.
I'm just gunna post a new entry everyday.
Here is Day 1

Day 1

Holy Crap, I'll be happy if I never see another plane ever again.
Me and Romdoul were a little to excited to sleep so we decided to play a prank on Jenn, who was sleeping. We set all the clocks in my room all ahead to 4:19 so the alarm would ring and she would get up and start getting ready. So all was going well until me and Romdoul couldn't stop laughing. Oh well, so we wake up on at the real time and head over to the church to meet up with others and we take a little ride over to the airport, where we had a Timmy Hoe's breakfast. Then we flew to Texas. Guess what movie played on the plane?
That right, Horton Hears a Who.

So funny.

In Texas, we walked around the airport mall for about two and a half hours. This airport is huge, a lot of moving sidewalk things, but that’s another story. We all bought a shirt that said “don’t mess with Texas”. I really wanted to get the “everything is bigger in Texas” shirt but to my great surprise, they were nowhere to be found, which I find quite un heard of. So our next flight was to Philly which was only 3 and a half hour.

Oh by the way Philadelphia isn’t a state, it’s a city.
Yeah I know, I couldn’t believe it either.

So, when we get to Philly, we get a shuttle to Hertz. To our surprise we got the king of all SUV’s. It was a 2008 Ford exbiditionloration, something or other. Basically it was a monster. We are also pretty sure it was going to be broken into in Camden. So we get in our little supped up beast and head down to our home away from home.

Rutgers University of Camden.

So me, Jenn, and Romdoul all are sleeping in one room. The dorm was quite nice, there were two bunk beds and one single bed on a normal bed frame, and of coarse no one wanted to sleep on the bunk beds because there was no ladder and these bed were like 6 feet off the ground. And when girls sleep in one room they feel this need to sleep relatively close to each other.

Get your mind out of the gutter; it isn’t that kind of story.

So we decide to all sleep on the one single which worked really well till we realized that we would move while we slept so we made Jenn go to the end of the bed. So we were all happy and we went to sleep. I woke up a little while later to realize that Jenn was no longer at the bottom of the bed. So I do what any person would do, look at the end of the bed to see if she has fallen off. Too my surprise she isn’t there. I look to my left, and she is sleeping on the floor! Lying on her stomach, with her head propped up with her hands. It was almost as if she fell asleep glaring at us.


So I did what any other good friend would do,
I went back to sleep.

Friday, July 11, 2008



just kidding...

Well, Its almost ten so I'm going to be leaving in 6 hours, 45 mins. If you do the math, you will figure out that I am leaving at 4 45.

I am not that excited now, but every couple of hours I'm like freaking out excited!
We had a meeting today to get the run down of things.
We are meeting in front of the church at 4 45am and our flight is at 7 45am
The flight is like 13 hours with a two hour delay in TEXAS!!! I'm so excited to go to Texas!
They we fly to Philly and get in at night.
We are sleeping at a University
The next morning we are going to church and buying food for meals.
Then we have to go to an orientation where we will learn a bunch of stuff that we probably already know about, cause we have all worked at UP for forever.

So that's the rundown of the next two days of my life.
I have computer access down there so I'll keep you guys posted!

Leave me comments!!!

Miss you all;

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

So How Did You Two Meet?

So this is todays post.

This story needs some set up;

For some reason, the kids at the camp I work at are obsessed with the leaders getting married to each other, first it was Matt and Debs, then it was Theo and Sky. But little does everyone know, last year, the kids always wanted me and Stephen Wong to get married but it never happened.

So that brings us to today…

I was rock climbing with a few of my peeps from work and on the bus ride Tracy Hu thought it would be funny to ask how me and Stephen met. So Stephen looks at me and puts on this Asian accent that he does, and the rest is history…

How Me And Stephen Met.
It may help to read it in a Chinese accent.

Ancient Chinese proverb says that a long time ago, back in China, I owned a big farm. It grew every fruit and vegetable, and we eat different fruit and vegetable everyday, and my father help me cultivate the land. One day my mother came up to me and say; “Stephen, you have to get married”
I say “No, not unless she is pretty”
So that night I go to the village next door and see Jessica by the river, washing her clothes and she is very beautiful, so I run back and tell my mother. She goes and drags Jessica to the hut to have secret marriage, because she is white.
Her parents gave me ten bags of rice for marring her and in return we gave them the whole yellow river.
Now everyday we eat fruit and vegetables but we have no animal on the farm so we go to the super market together and buy pork.
Every week, me and Jessica have bonding time [here there is a long awkward pause, cause we all think he’s going to take it to far] and wash our clothes together in the yellow river!


Oh, Sweet Ally!

This blog post was meant for yesterday, but i had no time to write it...

ask me how I feel.. the answer is very sad.

But Ally will have fun in Hicsville, she'll be the coolest one there :)
I don't really know what to write, cause I'm still in shock...lol
but we will still hang out :)

Also, I had the most depressing day at camp.
I was walking to the park with one of the kids that I know very well.
Hes so cute, i just want to steal him.
He was looking around and he spotted this bike so he yells to me;
"Jessie! Jessie! Look, look at the bike"
He was explaining to me how cool the bike was, when a sad look came over his face. I asked him what was wrong, and he said that he wants to ride his bike when he got home, but he can't because it's to small and his knees hit the handles.
So I respond; "Maybe you can get a new one for Christmas or your birthday"
He looks at me and says that he asked his mom, and she told him that they couldn't afford one.
It broke my heart. And to make things worse, he started to describe the bike he wanted; Blue Hotwheels, the one with flames.
I just want to buy this kid a bike!

I don't know how to end this one, but with the hopes that tomorrow will be better.

P.S. Since I'm writing this a day late, today was much, much better!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Old People,Baseball, and Peacocks.

Okay, do you every have a conversation and realize you can't figure out how you got to such a pointless topic, like how did peacocks get their name?
Yeah, me too.
So me and JD were at Trout Lake, just sitting, talking, and enjoying some slurps.
On our way home we walked by a bunch of old people playing baseball and I turned to JD and asked "Why do old people play baseball?"
To which she responded with "To get exercise"
At first I agreed, but then I realized baseball is the least athletic sport ever.
I mean look at it. You are either Standing on a field hoping the ball will be hit in your general direction, or in the dugout waiting for your two seconds of running between the bases. And even when its your turn to bat, it's not even guaranteed your going to get to run.
It’s actually not athletic at all, especially when your old and brittle.
After I explained this to JD, the question was then is there a sport that is less athletic then Baseball? JD suggested Ping Pong, but have you ever seen a ping pong competition?
It could possibly be more intense then any sport out there.
So after about ten minutes of throwing around ideas, it became clear that the only sport that is less athletic then baseball, is rock, paper, scissors. Yes, it is a real sport.
Then randomly JD was like rock...paper....PEACOCK!
We had a good laugh, but then I realized...peacock...what kind of name is that.
Was Adam trying to state the obvious? I think not.
So I tried to be all scientific and decided "pea" is the Hebrew word for beautiful and "cock" is another word for a male chicken. So directly translated it means "beautiful cock"
That was the extent of my intelligent conversations today, hope you enjoyed it :)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

I've Come Over To The Darkside

That’s right guys, I've come over to the dark side.
I'm right up there with Darth Vader and Darth Sidious.
You might be asking yourself; why is she saying this...
Well I answer you; I have created a blog!
Everyone I know has one, and now I am just another blog.
And I am quite sure no one will read this.
I could start talking smack about everyone I know (which I won't, cause I love most of them)
and no one would know, except maybe a random, very unfortunate person who happened to stumble upon my blog. Let me emphasize the word unfortunate.
I would also like to apologize in advance.
Simply for the fact that most of the things I will post, will be a waste of your time.
It will be one of those things you read, then say to yourself;
"Wow, I really wish I had the last three minutes of my life back so I could do something useful with my life, like watch "muffins" on youtube for the bagillionth time"
I would also like to make an apology to my faithful readers (I doubt there will be) for not being faithful/committed. This isn't to say that I am not a faithful/committed person, it’s just hard to be faithful/committed to an inanimate object, like this blog.
So that’s about it. I’m sorry you had to suffer through that.

Sincerely Yours;