Friday, July 11, 2008



just kidding...

Well, Its almost ten so I'm going to be leaving in 6 hours, 45 mins. If you do the math, you will figure out that I am leaving at 4 45.

I am not that excited now, but every couple of hours I'm like freaking out excited!
We had a meeting today to get the run down of things.
We are meeting in front of the church at 4 45am and our flight is at 7 45am
The flight is like 13 hours with a two hour delay in TEXAS!!! I'm so excited to go to Texas!
They we fly to Philly and get in at night.
We are sleeping at a University
The next morning we are going to church and buying food for meals.
Then we have to go to an orientation where we will learn a bunch of stuff that we probably already know about, cause we have all worked at UP for forever.

So that's the rundown of the next two days of my life.
I have computer access down there so I'll keep you guys posted!

Leave me comments!!!

Miss you all;

1 comment:

debs... said...

Jessica I love your blog. Keep it up, you've got a good style! I wish I was there on the bus to hear Stephens story....its hilarious even to read!! I am bookmarking your blog right now....