Wednesday, July 9, 2008

So How Did You Two Meet?

So this is todays post.

This story needs some set up;

For some reason, the kids at the camp I work at are obsessed with the leaders getting married to each other, first it was Matt and Debs, then it was Theo and Sky. But little does everyone know, last year, the kids always wanted me and Stephen Wong to get married but it never happened.

So that brings us to today…

I was rock climbing with a few of my peeps from work and on the bus ride Tracy Hu thought it would be funny to ask how me and Stephen met. So Stephen looks at me and puts on this Asian accent that he does, and the rest is history…

How Me And Stephen Met.
It may help to read it in a Chinese accent.

Ancient Chinese proverb says that a long time ago, back in China, I owned a big farm. It grew every fruit and vegetable, and we eat different fruit and vegetable everyday, and my father help me cultivate the land. One day my mother came up to me and say; “Stephen, you have to get married”
I say “No, not unless she is pretty”
So that night I go to the village next door and see Jessica by the river, washing her clothes and she is very beautiful, so I run back and tell my mother. She goes and drags Jessica to the hut to have secret marriage, because she is white.
Her parents gave me ten bags of rice for marring her and in return we gave them the whole yellow river.
Now everyday we eat fruit and vegetables but we have no animal on the farm so we go to the super market together and buy pork.
Every week, me and Jessica have bonding time [here there is a long awkward pause, cause we all think he’s going to take it to far] and wash our clothes together in the yellow river!



Anonymous said...

hey, you don't know me and I don't know you. BUT BUT BUT you were on ryans friend link so I had to see what was going on, with your blog. So ya i think your blog is cool. Not very many people read my blog either, so ya we should be blog buds. If you say yes ill add you to my friends link!!!! (ahah im super cool) so ya lets be blogging buds

Jess... said...

haha, "you dont know me and i dont know you"..little creepy but funny.
yeah sure, we can be blog buddies.