Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hello? Is Anyone Out There?!

You may think that after a title like that the first line should be something along the lines of;

Are you there God? It's me Margret.

But no, these were cries of desperation and fear coming from my mouth.

It was about closing time at work and I was putting away stuff from the salad bar, which involves me going into the giant walk in fridge, which happens to be one of my two fears at work [the other is the swinging door, seriously that thing has almost killed me a thousand times]

Anyways, I go in to put away the salad dressing and I used my foot to prop the door open.... well I moved my foot.... and the door shut.

I was like;
"Seriously Jess, you are a friggin' retard.... this wasn't how you were supposed to die....I mean what a lame way to go"

Anyways I start tapping on the door so that the chef would hear me but my boss wouldn't.
So I'm standing there tapping this door in -4F trying to not die.

And the chef comes, opens the door and shows me that you just have to push on the handle the right way and it opens from the inside...

You can only image the look on my face...

It was a cross between "wtf" " HOLY CRAP....I'M SPECIAL"

Anyways life goes on.... but the trauma from that fridge is permanent.
lol just a short one today
pce out homes

by the way be prepared for rage for my next blog entry.... that's right i said rage

1 comment:

misosoup said...

Congratz on getting stuck in the fridge lol.