Monday, October 6, 2008

Girlicious More Like Pukelicious

I’m sorry to inform you that no matter how famous and sexy these four girls are or ever become I will never like them, they are just your run-of-the-mill industry whores

That’s right I said whores
I call em’ when I see em’
And I see them big time

So I'm going to explain to you the thoughts and anger I was feeling while I had to watch their videos

Basically I’m going to rip on their tasteless, talentless videos…in chronological order!

I was flippin' through the channels when I stopped on mtv and I saw the music video for “like me”

It was like a train wreck, it’s so awful but I couldn’t take my eyes away…. Oh how I wished I did, it was gross.

First on the docket; “Like Me”

Where do I even begin…?
I mean the song itself isn’t even that bad if you’re into that kind of music, but I mean come on, the video is only at #1 for one reason, and it isn’t the song.

First of all they aren’t really wearing any clothes… I mean this is understandable considering this is a music video but wait it gets worse.
They start unzipping these already skimpy outfits to reveal an even skimpier outfit!

I have two word for you; Latex underwear…. I mean is this really necessary?

Oh and I mean crumping/thrusting [thrusting is the white version of crumping] is great in music videos. Hell even I thrust every now and then, its fun, you should try it.
But when your whole dance routine is made up crumping/thrusting from various camera angles…it gets a little boring.

Oh and the best party of this song is this line;

“It ain’t easy being easy”

Oh wow, what have we come to that this is actually a line in a song?

2nd on the chopping block is “stupid shit”

The song title couldn’t be more correct…this video/song is some stupid shit.

First of all I would like to ask the question why?
Why must we further the image of school girls with kilts being sexy horney sex fiends?
I mean come on…. Plaid skirts aren’t that hot, honestly, I wear one.

Also I would say about 100% of school uniforms don’t look like that, maybe at the “little prostitot [prostitute + toddler = prostitot] finishing school, but not here in the real world.

Come back to reality you bunch of sluts…

Sorry, did that come out of my mouth?

Anyways there is yet more over-thrustage in this video, except this time instead of just thrusting the air or each other they also thrust on chain link fences and cars.

Good on you girls, you mixed it up...a little

Oh and did anyone else notice that there are like 50 crotch shots in this video… like seriously keep your vag to yourself.

Oh wait, this video gets better.
A group of like 50 girls come into an alley way and start stripping and erotically dancing with each other…. I mean have some self respect… I hope your father sees this video.

But this scene also leads me to question as to where the hell they are…because they should have all been attacked by creepy men, even before they started stripping. I swear they filmed this in an Amish village

Poor Amish, they didn’t know what hit them

Oh by the way, every sleepover I have is perfectly depicted in the last 30secs of this video…honest.

So in conclusion this group is a bad influence on the world. Period.
Little girls are watching these videos! Does anyone realize this?
Does anyone stop and think to themselves…. Hey girls might get the wrong impression?
And they wonder why girls’ images of themselves are so messed up.


misosoup said...


High five and gold star for you Jess! Couldn't agree more.

Laughing like crazy all the way to the end. I told you I'd come home and read it. ^^.

Nicole W said...

ahh jess! you smartie, you!

well you know how i feel about the femminist HIGH FREAKIN FIVE. seriously i cannot stand it when women have worked so hard to be thought of on the same level as men, in the sense that we are NOT objects--and then to hve stupid girls like girlicious kind of throwing all that out the window.

your awesome jess.