Sunday, September 28, 2008

I'm A Deep Thinker....In My Dreams!

It's actually true.

Lately I've been feeling like my life has no real purpose, like I don't have a destination to reach.
I live my life day in and day out. Period.
There is no purpose what so ever.

But wait there must be a purpose;
I go to school!
Yes that has a purpose, but I need something to live for now not three years down the road
I work at Banner's.
You think; that's easy, the purpose is to make money!
I say what a crappy purpose.
I work at UP.
But am I really making a difference?

I've actually had this feeling a while back, but that's a whole other story that I would rather not get into.

Don't worry, this entry isn't all depressing, like any good twentieth century fox movie, I come to a realization.

But oh wait, this isn't just a normal twentieth century fox film.
This film has me in it so I couldn't possibly come to this realization in a normal way.

It had to come to me in a dream.

Some say that dreams are the brains way of processing what happens in our day to day lives, after this dream I'm starting to believe it that this fact is true.

Now I don't actually remember what the dream was, but for the readers sake, let us pretend I was excepting the Nobel Peace prize in my underwear.

I just remember waking up and having these words floating around in my head so I grabbed a piece of paper and started writing, this is what I got down;

"Everyday is the same.
I pray for crazy and all I get is normality.
I feel like I'm living the same day over and over again.
Mind you, these days have their slight differences,
but when you take out the dialog, these days are identical.
I guess dialog and our personal connections with people is what makes each day unique.
Without these personal connections we would have no reason to feel anything.
Pain, Happiness, Love, Joy, Sadness, Empathy,
Without these emotions we are dead,
and if we are dead what's the purpose in living?"

I don't even know if it makes sense too you, but it does to me. =p

So even if the purpose is hidden, we all have a purpose.

To make a personal connection with the other people in this world
Whether it be you being;
- a friend
- someone to talk to
- a listening ear to a kid who has something to say
- a friendly smile to a stranger
- someone who makes people laugh

In whatever way you choose to show it, you need to show it because if we all strive for this purpose, I'm almost sure the world would be a better place.

That's my thought of the night, sorry if it was a little preachy, I'm sure it was.

AND i would really appreciate you telling me what you thought about it

thanks for reading, I hope your brain doesn't hurt like mine does. :D


debs... said...

Ithink you are a freaking writer!! And what you said was very very true, you could write a full 5 point sermon on that

Jenn. said...

HOLY CRAP JESSSSSS!! thats so amazing.
and true.