Tuesday, July 29, 2008

It Wasn't As Easy As I Thought It Would Be To Find A Computer

So yeah instead of writing in my blog while I was gone, i wrote in my journal.
I'm just gunna post a new entry everyday.
Here is Day 1

Day 1

Holy Crap, I'll be happy if I never see another plane ever again.
Me and Romdoul were a little to excited to sleep so we decided to play a prank on Jenn, who was sleeping. We set all the clocks in my room all ahead to 4:19 so the alarm would ring and she would get up and start getting ready. So all was going well until me and Romdoul couldn't stop laughing. Oh well, so we wake up on at the real time and head over to the church to meet up with others and we take a little ride over to the airport, where we had a Timmy Hoe's breakfast. Then we flew to Texas. Guess what movie played on the plane?
That right, Horton Hears a Who.

So funny.

In Texas, we walked around the airport mall for about two and a half hours. This airport is huge, a lot of moving sidewalk things, but that’s another story. We all bought a shirt that said “don’t mess with Texas”. I really wanted to get the “everything is bigger in Texas” shirt but to my great surprise, they were nowhere to be found, which I find quite un heard of. So our next flight was to Philly which was only 3 and a half hour.

Oh by the way Philadelphia isn’t a state, it’s a city.
Yeah I know, I couldn’t believe it either.

So, when we get to Philly, we get a shuttle to Hertz. To our surprise we got the king of all SUV’s. It was a 2008 Ford exbiditionloration, something or other. Basically it was a monster. We are also pretty sure it was going to be broken into in Camden. So we get in our little supped up beast and head down to our home away from home.

Rutgers University of Camden.

So me, Jenn, and Romdoul all are sleeping in one room. The dorm was quite nice, there were two bunk beds and one single bed on a normal bed frame, and of coarse no one wanted to sleep on the bunk beds because there was no ladder and these bed were like 6 feet off the ground. And when girls sleep in one room they feel this need to sleep relatively close to each other.

Get your mind out of the gutter; it isn’t that kind of story.

So we decide to all sleep on the one single which worked really well till we realized that we would move while we slept so we made Jenn go to the end of the bed. So we were all happy and we went to sleep. I woke up a little while later to realize that Jenn was no longer at the bottom of the bed. So I do what any person would do, look at the end of the bed to see if she has fallen off. Too my surprise she isn’t there. I look to my left, and she is sleeping on the floor! Lying on her stomach, with her head propped up with her hands. It was almost as if she fell asleep glaring at us.


So I did what any other good friend would do,
I went back to sleep.


debs... said...

that was one journal entry???

Jess... said...

yupp, that's also the shortest one... so i'm not going to post the rest... people will just have to read my journal :P