Wednesday, September 3, 2008

To My Fans...a.k.a. Ryan and Maybe Debs

Hello everyone!

I must apologize, I have not been faithful.
I have not been faithful to you and this blog.
And as Ryan so kindly pointed out, it's really hard to stalk someone who hasn't updated their blog in about a million years.
So I would also like to apologize to my stalker(s) as well.

So from here on out, I am going to try to write in my blog at least one time every two weeks.

However, I'm not going to make any promises cause we all know that I probably won't be able to commit to the above statement.

So if you are my stalker or have nothing better to do then read my blog [If you have nothing better to do then read my blog you must live a very boring and uneventful life, on the other hand I must live a very boring and uneventful life to be writing it[this is a long insert]] Then do something useful while you're waiting for my next blog entry.

Like solve this problem for me;

The statement below is false.
The statement above is true.

Seriously it's a toughy.

But have no fear, there will be a blog entry telling you all about my new job. What is my new job, you ask? You'll have to wait till my next blog entry, but first, is sudoku harder to do with your eyes closed? The answer and more coming up after a word from our sponsors.

1 comment:

debs... said...

I am definitely a fan, now that I am stuck 4000miles away. And that I have so much time on my hands waiting for a job to fall into my out for that Ryan one, I've heard things about him