Thursday, November 20, 2008

As I Am Writting This...

Connor is singing a very inappropriate song.

...And it is very awkward

Anyways, I'm sitting here in Socials class wanting to blow my brains out cause I have nothing to do sooo i am going to give you a play by play on what Connor is doing.

Right now he is looking up pictures of a popular t.v. show called afro samurai. He is swearing at the screen to try and explain to me about how cool this guy is and that i should get him the seasons for Christmas.

[I said no, lol]

Now he is humming a random tune and asking me what the name of the song he is signing is called, too bad he is tone deaf. because then i could actually tell him what the name of the song is.

I actually can't stand people who think they can sign and burden our ears with the unholy sound that is their voice.

However it is totally different when the person [btw Connor just called me gay, I told him he liked men, same meaning just different way of saying it] knows they can't sing and are just signing for the hell of it.

I am a good example of this. I KNOW i can't sing, so when I do it, it's cool, then again everything I do is cool.

And you know whats even worse... when people know they can sing so they make a point of signing all the time!

Like in the halls, while they are working, while they are walking, even while they are reliving themselves in the washroom.

When you get to the point that you sing on the toilet, you have lost all respect in my eyes [unless you are doing it in the privacy of your on bathroom, cause I admit, I sing on the toilet when no one is home]

But lets side bar to Connor, he is still humming that song and can't understand why I can't tell him the name, he just called his brother to find out the name, anyways back to signing.

You get to the point where your like okay we all know you can sing, so just shut-up.
I can handle to odd talent show or signing oh Canada for an Assembly of some importance.

I can truly handle that, just try not to do it at any other time, please and thank-you.

back to Connor, he is still humming that song asking me what's it called.

I can't understand him, here you try:
he's saying
hmmm hm hm hm hmmmmm HMMMMM hmm HMMM hm hm

any guess?
yours is as good as mine
I actually think your guess is better, that's how bad of a hummer Connor is
and I don't mean hummer as in the car,
but I'm sure he sucks at being one of those too :P

Well I better end this off before he reads it and kills me
pce out


debs... said...

I feel like Connor is the friend I never wanted haha! Good irish name though....

....fancy replying to your emails once a while

Jess... said...

lol he's scottish!
are you talking about the prince caspian e-mail?
i was so touched by it that i ran off too work lol.
yeah i should watch that movie and think of you too!