Thursday, October 16, 2008

It's Sad, I Never Gave A Damn About The Weather...

...but it never gave a damn about me.

Seriously, what the heck is going on with this weather. Couldn't it have some common sense to have some decency to at least call me up and tell me it was going to be like the second ice age.
That way I would have had a chance to stock up on canned goods and umbrellas...
heck... maybe even build a bomb shelter.
But no, the weather had to be a prick and give me no notice, isn't the expectations these days something like two weeks?

I also think the weather is bi-polar [which is a disease that should not be taken lightly]
One day its all sunny and the rabbits and deers are frolicking in the meadows and then the next it's cold and rainy and all the deers and rabbits have been struck down by lightning!

Like actually, I was expecting the second coming to come soon but not this soon.

Before it was like; "hey want to go outside and get a tan and/or skin cancer?"
but now it's like "hey lets go outside and get frost bite and loose all our limbs"

I know you may say, silly jess both of those have negative sides

Well here is my rebuttal: You are looking at the glass half empty. See if you were positive like me you would see the good out of the two... a tan.
At least the sun gives you something good.

But if you know me on a personal level, you will know that I will not just stand by and let the rain smack me across the face.

I smack the rain back.

And I did this by just running in it. I just ran as if it didn't exist.
HA! take that rain!
No one or nothing likes being ignored, trust me.

I may have caught hypothermia, but I sure showed the rain who's boss.

[I always have the last laugh]

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