Wednesday, January 6, 2010

a poem for you

actually for mrs loconte and english 12
but we'll pretend it's for you
though you might not want it to be
i did this for class and i kind of like it
we were supposed to take four lines of a poem and then write four stanzas each ending in a line from the four lines we chose

i chose

i never wanted you -david bazan, hey songs are poems!

the rhyme scheme is
aabbccabc ddeeffdef gghhiighi jjkklljkl

the things in brackets is alternative and i haven't decided what the final line will be and i have to rework it a lot so it flows more, leave a comment or suggestion as to how i can do that or just what you think of it

here it is

you opened my eyes to things new
and our lust ever more grew
and my innocents was cracked
true love, our relationship lacked
you captured me, you seemed taboo
I stuck to you, right to your shoe
my view of you was so askew
you covered my eyes to the fact,
I never wanted you

loving you was/felt (whatever sounds better) like committing crimes
I tried to leave you many times
but I never wanted to be alone
your "love" for me was never shown
I should have known, you were see through
you made me sick, just like the flu
I used to hold you in sublimes (not sure if that’s the right use of that word)
I never wanted too

I fell into you, just like quicksand
you, I was not able to withstand
you tasted bitter (or bittersweet) on my lips) like (a) bourbon
to me you'd always beckon
but woe is me, I never got smart
to what you did, and the perfected art (or its perfected art)
you took my hand
and blurred my vision
but you never had my heart

I was fooled, I do admit
but now I’m in the cockpit (I as desperate for a word that rhymed, I actually don't like this line)with you I felt entombed
my soul completely consumed
but from you I did withdrew
but the answer, I still pursue
why did you do it?
And how was I exhumed?
our love was never true.