Sunday, January 11, 2009

Kissing....It's Lethal

Well maybe not lethal but it could make you deaf.

That's right people, your ears are at risk, and it's not because you play your music to loud or some physco is running around with a nail gun shooting nails into your ears when your sleeping.

[however that does sound like the good idea for the novel I'm gunna write]

No, the treat to your ears could possibly be the person sitting next to you reading significant other.... [or someone who is not so significant, but you still tend to suck face with them]

That's right people, I was watching some late night t.v. a couple of weeks back [I've been meaning to write this for a while :P] when Stephan Colbert [aka sexy/smartest guy in the world] started one of my favorite sections of the show; the threat down

Basically he numbers off the top five things that threaten our very being, among them there is often bears and Tom Cruise. [I actually don't think Tom Cruise had been on the threat down, but I think he should be!]

So .... back to our story...
That's right, a guy in Japan kissed his girlfriend so hard that he "depressurized" her mouth and her ear drum blew!!

omfggm.... the poor girl.
One moment she's kissing her boyfriend thinking;
"Oh my, life is great, I have a job, a Mitsubishi, a boyfriend with whom I can swap saliva with, AND I can listen to the sound of birds and the timer on my rice cooker, then
Her ear explodes and blood is shooting everywhere and she can no longer hear birds or when her rice is done! Her boyfriend drenched in ear puss and blood hasn't even realized what he's done...
Okay maybe that was a bit tooo graphic and a little over exaggerated, but hey, if we don't toughen up as kids, we end up being wimpy adults :P

this is from a newspaper:
'The kiss reduced pressure in the mouth, pulled the eardrum out and caused the breakdown of the ear,' a medic called Dr Li told state newspaper The China Daily.

All in all we learned a valuable lesson at the cost of one girls hearing;

Kissing is a dangerous sport, go back to kissing your pillow, it's safer....