Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Long over due

so I promised some peeps I would write a blog entry on the day of school that should have been cancelled

so here it is

The following takes place between 7 am and 3.30 pm

So I awake at the usual time and spring out of bed with a smile on my face [as usual] and dash to the window in hopes that my dreams had come true in the form of frozen fluffy water

and too my great joy, what should my eyes behold, but a blanket of fresh snow and more falling from the heavens. [that would have been so cool if it rhymed]

I made a run for the computer thinking, its a good thing I didn't do my homework because there is no way in hell that my school would be open, I mean we all know at the first sign of snow, Vancouver shuts down.

But to my dismay I found nothing, not even the acknowledgement that snow had fallen.
So I call the school in my disbelief and to my dismay, I here the four words that no one wants to hear.

And it wasn't "we need to talk"
it was "the school is open"

Outraged beyond belief I left my house, kilt and all, for the journey of a life time.
I had to walk through the snow and my feet got extremely wet and my skytrain was stuck on the tracks for 30 min

not to mention it kept stopping abruptly, I thought it was gunna Derail
and if I died I was blaming the school.

I finally get to the 101 bus stop and what should my wandering eye see?
Dom and two little tenth graders waiting for a bus that would never come

we decided to call the school and give them our pity story as to why we were late when to our surprise our very own principal offered to come pick us up!

We drove with him trying to convince him to close the school for the next day but he as quite determined to keep us in the brick prison we call school.

When we finally got there my teacher confiscated my hat, scarf, and gloves despite the fact that I resembled Jack when he was freezing in the water after the Titanic sank. [I know you all saw that movie!]

the whole day was filled with multiple moans and groans from everyone and the constant fear that we would have to spend the night at school.

Wanting to avoid this a bunch of us were going to leave early but the grade 12's beat us to it and from then on teachers were patrolling the hallways

The whole day was a gong show, and I think a lot of us wanted it to stay that way so they would be to scared to keep the school open the next day

The day perked put though, snow balls in the hallway
me screaming "SCHOOLS CANCELLED GO HOME!" and people actually believing me
Dom organising a school wide snowball fight 5 min into 3rd block and only the grade tens going out and getting in extreme trouble
Dom being carried outside and covered in snow *ouch*
and convincing Mr. Cheng to let us have a snowball fight during class was a "good idea"
this of coarse resulted in teachers getting hit by snowballs and snowballs being thrown into the windows of classes in session:)

This was honestly the best non-snow day of school ever!
And it goes without saying that they closed the school the next day!

Not to mention the invention and premier of Maggies new cd "Maggie under the Mistletoe"
*see above picture*
Including Songs like
"It's Christmas Time, Lets Celebrate!"
Featuring duets with Amara on the track "Christmas Morning"
And the bonus track "Christmas time in Africa" by yours truly

now to send you on your ways here is a couple lines from "Christmas Morning"
It's Christmas morning
children running down the stairs
to open their presents...
Little jimmy trips
but daddy helps him up
the turkeys in the ovennnn and the corn is in the microwave!

its one of those things where you had to be there for it to be funny

1 comment:

.amara.588 said...

ahahaha wow jess that was funny!
except for the fact that you forgot to give redit to the album cover creator and song writer of those lyrics, which was me :P lol.

LOL i love the christmas in africa song!