Thursday, December 4, 2008

Dear Math, [a letter to math]

You're gay.

Not that I have anything against homosexuals, just thought I'd clear that up,
Shout-out to my same sex lovin' homies

I would also like to say I like guys, the above statement may have lead you to believe otherwise, that's why I also decided to clear that up.


I have been taught my whole life that two negatives [wrongs] don't make a positive [right].
I was told this at a young age and decided not to question it, so I have been going through my life being slapped about and not doing anything about it, and that was cool. I don't like starting conflicts, like my grand pale Kim Jung Il.

BUT OH NO, you come along and flip my whole world upside down.
You tell me sure, two negatives equal a negative, but if you multiply those negatives together you get a positive.
Hold up you mean if I multiply the negatives in life I get a positive?
Let me test this theory;

If I take a crappy mark on a test and multiply it by my house burning down....
hmmm,...carry the two...
Wait a minute! I don't get a positive! I get one homeless me with no chance in hell of going to collage!!

that my friend [or should I say enemy?], is no positive. You have mislead me and clouded my out look on life, you should be ashamed of yourself!

And when you add a negative too a positive you only SOMETIMES get a positive [however being a optimist, I believe that most of the time you get a negative lol]

Math, I truly believe that you are not only going against my mother's teachings, you are also going against my morals [oh no, you didn't] so I am hear by severing our relationship, and I think others should do the same. [and since whatever I think others should do is usually right, you will be a very lonely person/idea/thing]

I don't think I will be needing you in the future so try not to contact me, I'm moving and changing my phone number.

And remember,
It's not you, It's me.


Jess DeBenedetto


debs... said...

Genius Post.

Ryan said...

I second Deborah-rah, that post is genius.